I called the kids – now far beyond their toddling days – and
we peered into the growing dark to watch the deer as she examined the fence, repeatedly
lowering her head to sniff at its edge, then wagging her ovate tail in apparent
frustration, the discarded pumpkin bits just out of her reach.
Two days later she was back, this time as light crept into
the day rather than out of it. She repeated the routine of pacing, sniffing and
tail wagging. After several minutes of deliberation and scouting her options,
the doe gave a final tail wag, twitched her big ears, and with easy grace
hopped the leaning garden gate. She stayed within the garden, munching
composted pumpkin, until the dog went outside 20 minutes later.
We see deer often in the fields around our house, along with
the narrow paths they trod from the field into the cover of the forest. Some
seasons we are able to identify the regular cervine visitors to the old apple
orchard in the field. Last fall we enjoyed daily visits from a large doe and
two smaller ones who came together, always a trio, to pick at the fallen apples
or stretch their necks to reach the fruit still clinging to branches. Often
they were joined by a young buck who sported only a single spike.
There was an abundance of apples last year, and even after
snow had covered the field, the deer came to scrape through the white in search
of the frozen morsels below. On the very morning after the last day of the
final hunting season, a six-point buck strode regally through the field toward the
mountains, not bothering to pause for apples. We’d never seen him before and
haven’t since.
This year the apples were not as plentiful, and we haven’t
seen deer as often in our field. Our winter deer, the one who raids the compost
heap, seems to be our only regular for this season. Often at dusk or before the
morning has fully brightened to day, we’ll notice her large ears and twitching
tail in the garden out back. She has become quite bold, actually, and we often find her standing just beyond the garden, gazing thoughtfully at us as we come down the driveway after school in the afternoon.
By the time we are out of the car and in the house, the deer is in the garden. She stoops to nose the pile, searching for the best scraps – carrot peels, stalks of wilted lettuce, browned apple cores, perhaps – then raises her head as she chews placidly, dark eyes rimmed in white surveying the landscape, ears turning toward every sound.
By the time we are out of the car and in the house, the deer is in the garden. She stoops to nose the pile, searching for the best scraps – carrot peels, stalks of wilted lettuce, browned apple cores, perhaps – then raises her head as she chews placidly, dark eyes rimmed in white surveying the landscape, ears turning toward every sound.
When we open the door to let the dog out, the deer is
immediately alert, and with one smooth, powerful leap she is over the fence and
out of the garden, her white tail waving with each high bound through the
She is lovely to watch, and our compost scraps seem easy
picking in what must be, for a deer, a very long, hungry winter. But I know we’ll
have to break our winter deer’s bad habit. I wonder, as I watch her in my
garden out back, if this is the deer who ate the tops off every carrot in the
small garden boxes in the side yard, and nibbled every lettuce down to the
stalk there as summer faded to fall months ago. There are no fences around
those boxes, and we’d never had an issue with wild vegetable thieves before
last year. Perhaps it’s time to enclose those veggies, too.
Yes, the garden fence will need fixing come spring, and
maybe a jolt of electricity added as well.
Original content by Meghan McCarthy McPhaul, posted to her Blog: Writings From a Full Life. This essay also appears as Meghan's Close to Home column in the January 9, 2015 edition of the Littleton Record.
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