We rarely have cut flowers in the house during the cold
months, only in the brief season we can pick them ourselves. So summer seems an
extravagance of living colors and vibrant life, inside the house and out.
It all starts with the apple blossoms in May, when cold and
snow are barely a memory. Not long after the leaves have unfolded, we watch the
small flower buds swell, compact clusters full of promise, some pure white,
others tinged in pink. One day, when the conditions are just right – warm
enough, but not too warm, sunny, but not too dry – the old orchard is suddenly
abloom, filling the back field with puffy, tree-born clouds of flowers. White
as snow, abuzz with busy bees, heavy with the sweetly intoxicating scent of
The lilacs are next, their emergence overlapping briefly
with the apple blossoms’, their fragrance taking up the mantle from the apple
trees, their purple bursts the first big color of spring. By lilac time, of
course, the crocuses and daffodils are also blooming. These smaller flowers,
the year’s earliest, are lovely and welcome, but not so big as the lilacs, not
so fragrant as the apple blossoms, not so ostentatious in their opening.
They’re more a cheerful whisper of the coming season than the actual bursting forth of summer.
The hues become bolder as spring pushes bravely ahead to
summer. To black flies and mosquitoes, muggy afternoons, the magic of fireflies
blinking through nighttime fields, and a billowing swell of color and
fragrance. Now, just past solstice, seems the biggest, brightest show of the
season around our home.
The lupines have been prolific this year, turning the fields
into a sea of purples, undulating in waves of various shades toward the
mountains. Lovely as they are, the lupines’ subtly musty scent sends me into
fits of sneezing. Their many-flowered stalks are just starting to go to seed
now, as the garden is bursting into its height of color.
A few flag irises linger along the wall at the back of the
perennial bed, bright indigo against the gray stones. The Stella D’Oro lilies are
opening in myriad pops of sunshine yellow. The feathery spikes of astilbe are
just starting to show pale pink along the garden’s front edge. A host of tall,
orange lilies, transplanted two years ago, rises along the west wall of the
house, their long flower buds ready to open just outside the windows.
And the roses are blooming. The roses are my favorite,
always have been. The house where I grew up had a long row of rose bushes at one
edge of the yard. From my bedroom window I could see them and smell their heady
aroma. They were true roses in various hues, not like the ones we have now, which
are of a wilder variety. I cannot pass a cluster of roses without stopping to
smell them. Such intoxicating perfume.
When we bought this house, there was an unruly swath of rosa
rugosa – known commonly as beach roses, although we are more than a hundred
miles from the nearest ocean – growing along the driveway and around the back
of the perennial garden. We uprooted the bushes behind the garden as we
transformed the untamed field beyond into what now passes for a lawn, and the
family soccer field.
But we kept a thick row of not-too-wild roses along the curve
of the driveway. The bushes are nearly as tall as I am and probably five feet
across. Song birds flit in and out of their dense, thorny tangle throughout the
year, and we sometimes find nests within when the foliage has gone in the fall.
The roses have been blooming the last few weeks, hot pink
with golden centers. Their scent is like summer embodied: both sweet and spicy,
like warmth and sugar, delicate strength and powerful beauty wrapped up
together in a perfect, vibrant package. That scent wafts through the summer
air, greeting us as we approach home, finding us as we work and play in the
yard, floating up to my bedroom window just as the aroma of those other, more
cultivated roses did when I was a girl, embracing me in summer’s full bloom.
Original content by Meghan McCarthy McPhaul, posted to her Blog: Writings From a Full Life. This essay also appears as Meghan's Close to Home column in the June 26, 2015 edition of the Littleton Record.
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